Well, I'm still waiting for my invitation to arrive! Then I found out last night that the invitations have all been sent to our Royal Wedding Names, along with just our country and that's why they haven't arrived. So, go the post office and see if your invitation is waiting there for you in your Royal Wedding Name.
So what's our Royal Wedding Name, I hear you ask? It's quite simple really...
1. Choose between Lady or Lord
2. Take the name of the oldest relative (of the same sex) you know about.(go back as far as you can)
3. Take the name of the first pet you owned. And then hyphenate it with -
4. The name of the first street you lived on.
Easy peasy!
So, my invitation went to.... drum roll please...
Lady Adelaide Jeffrey-Allen
(Very posh sounding, isn't it?)
For your laughter, Steve's Royal Wedding Name is
Lord Clement Puddles-Torrens
I've picked my Tiara out- what do you think?
Just gotta pick out the gown now!
What's your Royal Wedding Name and which Tiara will you be wearing?
If you want to play along, work out your name, pick your Tiara and post on your blog. Then comment back here so I can visit your blog!
Nightingale Quilt Completed and Gifted
9 hours ago