My Mary Wigham is coming along slowly. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at how much there is to stitch each week, when here we are in week 3, about to get week 4, and I haven't finished week two, or even week one.
Memo to self: Must devote more time to stitching and less time reading blogs and finding freebies. Been downloading quilting freebies lately. I have so many freebies to stitch and quilt, that in future years, some one will look at this computer and say 'what was she thinking? One hundred people could never have got through all those freebies, let alone all the stuff she bought'. Oh well, just call me Super Boob, the wishful freebie collecter.
So here's
Mary Wigham
I got tired on stitching the big motif in the top left hand corner, so I moved onto another part.

I've also started on Alison's 50th birthday present.

It's a freebie from
Tempus Fugit's SALexandre and will eventually be a needlework thingie that I'll fill with needles, floss holders, a floss tag, and scissors, with some slight variations to the original design. The finished photos look stunning, so hopefully mine will be a fitting present for a fellow cross stitcher!
Last weekend, my stitchy friend announced her engagement, with a small wedding to be held later this year. As her only cross stitching friend it will be my self-appointed duty to stitch a wedding sampler for her! I'm going to get her to choose two or three designs she likes and I'll pick one of them to stitch for her wedding (gotta be some surprise in it, but I don't want to stitch something she doesn't like).
Well the boys are out for the day, so for the first time in ages, i have a Saturday all to myself! Yippee, Mary Wighman here I come!