Since I finished my cross stitch gifts last month, I haven't been stitching much. I tend to stitch more closer to a deadline, and the next major deadline is not until November. I have been knitting though, as soon as the temperature drops I want to get my knitting needles out. I made a blanket for Jack cos he keeps jumping on the lounge or dragging it off to snuggle up on mine which is made of eyelash wool and is really warm and cuddly. I only had 4 balls of eyelash leftover, so it's about 24" square, but Jack doesn't like it. He wont willingly lay on it, and shakes it off if I put it on his bed. So, I've bought 29 balls of eyelash to make him a big one like ours- that dog is spoilt!

I've made 3 little ornaments for the survivors of the Victorian bushfires earlier this year. I haven't quite finished the tops off, I'm going to just somehow put a little gold Kreinik cord on the top. I must finish off the other two I posted a while ago.

It's a freebie by DaffyCat and a quick stitch. Rather cute, I think!
Now, there's a couple of competitions around at the moment, so I thought I'd post the links in case you've missed them. Of course, I want to win them, so I don't really know why I'm letting you know about them lol.
Bronny is giving away I chart I want,
Cindy is giving away 10 charts and
Carolyn is giving away a lovely assortment of stitchy things.
Just editing to add another giveaway- here's Kim's details for a pretty TW chart!
Editing again to add anoth competition- here's BrokenFairy's giveaway!
Next on my list of things to do is to stitch a Twilight bookmark for Nicholas. We're on the 2nd book now, I'm enjoying the reminders of first love and Nicholas likes the scary parts when they happen, and I hope he's getting an understanding about teenage relationships. We both had tears (me trying not to sob) when Edward leaves Bella.
And I'm going to start my gift for Alison in the UK, who doesn't know about my blog yet, otherwise she'll see what I am stitching for her 50th birthday, and just need to order all the floss so it's the same colour. BTW, I went into Spotlight to buy some DMC 500 at $1.29 (yikes) and that 500 is a different colour to my 500 I have at home (2 skeins bought at different times). My 500 is more Christmas green, this was more jade green, and the colours either side are more jade green. Interesting.
Well, of to look at TUSAL updates now!
Update- I'm trying to post to some blogs, but some blogs keep crashing when I open them, so if I haven't commented on your blog lately and I usually do, then your blog could be one that I'm having trouble with. I'm running Vista, and the message keeps saying the IE can't open the site. I send the details off to Microsoft. Anyone else having this problem?