Well, the procrastinator in me had to work really quickly this month, in order to complete the finishing for my dear friend's birthday. I finally got her parcel away yesterday, her birthday is next week so I hope it arrives in time via airmail.
So, here's what I sent her,

I ended up making a pinkeep, using Swarovski crystals as finding pretty pins is quite difficult here. It's by Agnes Delage-Calvet and can be found here- crossing fingers-
Creative Poppy and the back of it is here. I stitched it on some evenweave from a grab bag from Joanne at
123Stitch using the suggested DMC floss.

Next is the floss tag, and I have to say that it was easier than I thought to make, and I now have the 'floss tag' bug!

And finally The Cat's Whiskers 'Heart Strings'. It ended up smaller than I originally had pictured in my mind (rattling around there with not much else!) but I remembered a quilt hanger that I had purchased some 5 years ago (see, I KNEW I would use it one day) and I thought it would look good with the stitching.

Can you see the sun making shadows in the photos? Well, we last saw the sun on Wednesday and since then, WE'VE HAD RAIN! It's been more than 12 months since we've had so much rain in 2 days, over 1 inch! That may not sound much to those who have too much rain, but we've been in an official drought situation for the last 3 years, with restricted water use. So the rain is such a beautiful sight. If it wasn't so cold outside, I would go out and stand in it. Instead, I just drove the car through any big puddles!
And, guess what?! It's TUSAL time, yes, time to show my 'Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long' progress, and time for another link! If you're interested in joining this highly satisfying SAL, then you can find the details on Yoyo's site
Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long
It doesn't seem like I've contributed much this month, but I have been stitching. There's a bit of blue froggin' stuff, and another empty needle packet. Still, it's coming along okay. I showed great restraint a few weeks ago. A friend came over to stitch and I was just itching to snaffle her orts, but she binned them before I could even broach the subject of saving them for my SAL (with acknowledgement to her, of course!). Have to invite her over again soon...
What do you think? In my 'floss tag bug' induced frenzy, I started stitching a floss tag for myself. Now that I've finished the front, I'm kinda thinkin' it might be a tiny bit too BIG for a floss tag. So, what else can I make it into? In my hurry to make one, I failed to consider the placement on the fabby, so there's a lack of fabric on one side (or maybe two sides). It measures about 4" wide by 5.5" high (too big for a floss tag?)

Any ideas on what I can turn it into? BTW, it's a freebie by Berthi Smith-Sanders , I thought I downloaded from theworkbasket.net, but the site is down at the moment so I can't check.
Thank you for the help in making links, I think I've mastered the basics!
Finally, It's ANZAC Day here in Australia. Here's a good site with info about it
ANZAC DayThey shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Thank you to all those who lost their lives fighting at war. Lest we forget.